Siddharth Jain
Research Interests
My areas of research interests include: 1. Information/computation/optimization theory. 2. Machine Learning and Statistics. 3. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Here is my Research Statement. Collaboration/Discussion: Feel free to email me at if you are interested in discussing and/or collaborating on anything of mutual interest.
News!Oct 13, 2021: Our paper titled ``Generator based approach to analyze mutations in genomic datasets,'' got accepted in Nature Scientific Reports [Link] Sep 8, 2021: Our paper titled ``Glioblastoma signature in the DNA of blood-derived cells,'' got published in PLOS ONE [Link] Apr 30, 2021: Our paper titled ``Synthesizing new expertize via collaboration,'' got accepted in IEEE ISIT 2021 [arXiv Link] Sep 25, 2020: Our paper titled ``Robust Correction of Sampling Bias Using Cumulative Distribution Functions,'' got accepted in NeurIPS 2020 [arXiv Link] July 27, 2020: New paper on bioRxiv, "Predicting the Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Clades [Link] May 7, 2020: New paper on arXiv, "Coding for Optimized Writing Rate in DNA Storage" [Link] [Video Link] Apr 22, 2020: New paper on arXiv, "CodNN - Robust Neural Netowrks from Coded Classification" [Link] Mar 31, 2020: Three new papers accepted in IEEE ISIT 2020.
Jan 17, 2020: Paper accepted in NVMW 2020, "Coded Deep Neural Networks for Robust Neural Computation" Jan 9, 2020: New paper on arXiv, "What is the value of data? On Mathematical Methods for Data Quality Estimation" [Link] Sept 24, 2019: Our work related to Cancer Classification was accepted to LMRL workshop at NeurIPS 2019 June 20, 2019: We filed a patent on "Mutation Profile and related labeled Genomic Components, Methods and Systems". May 17, 2019: Our work "Data Equals Money, But How Much? On Mathematical Methods for Data Pricing" got accepted in CodML workshop in ICML Apr 1, 2019: I successfully defended my PhD thesis "Decoding the Past" [Link] Mar 21, 2019: I gave an invited talk at Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) at John Hopkins Feb 13, 2019: I gave an invited graduation day talk at ITA Workshop in San Diego Jan 11, 2019: Our article on Cancer Classification using healthy DNA is available on bioRxiv [Link] Jan 11, 2019: Our article on the statistical bias present in short tandem repeats in amplified samples on TCGA is now available on bioRxiv [Link] Services