Siddharth Jain
Computational Biology - Genome Evolution, Cancer and Viruses
Siddharth Jain, X. Xiao, P. Bogdan, Jehoshua Bruck
Generator based approach to analyse mutations in genomic datasets
Nature Scientific Reports [Link]
Siddharth Jain, B. Mazaheri, N. Raviv, Jehoshua Bruck
Glioblastoma Signature in the DNA of blood-derived cells
Siddharth Jain, X. Xiao, P. Bogdan, Jehoshua Bruck
Predicting the Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Clades
bioRxiv [Link]
Siddharth Jain, B. Mazaheri, N. Raviv, Jehoshua Bruck
Short Tandem Repeats Information in TCGA is Statistically Biased by Amplification
bioRxiv [Link]
Siddharth Jain, N. Raviv, Jehoshua Bruck
Attaining the 2nd Chargaff Rule by Tandem Duplications[Link]
Siddharth Jain, B. Mazaheri, N. Raviv, Jehoshua Bruck
Mutation Profile and related labeled Genomic Components, Methods and Systems
December 2019, US Patent App. 16/447, 162
Data Science and Machine Learning
Bijan Mazaheri , Siddharth Jain, Jehoshua Bruck
Expert graphs: Synthesizing New Expertise via Collaboration [arXiv Link]
Bijan Mazaheri , Siddharth Jain, Jehoshua Bruck
Robust Correction of Sampling Bias Using Cumulative Distribution Functions
NeurIPS 2020
Netanel Raviv , Siddharth Jain, Jehoshua Bruck
What is the value of data?On mathematical methods for data quality estimation [arXiv Link]
Netanel Raviv , Siddharth Jain, Pulakesh Upadhyaya, Jehoshua Bruck, Anxiao Jiang
CodNN - Robust Neural Networks from Coded Classification [arXiv Link]
Netanel Raviv, Jehoshua Bruck, Siddharth Jain, Anxiao Jiang, Pulakesh Upadhyaya
Secure and Private Neural Computation Using Error Correcting Codes
US Patent App. 17/084,627
DNA Storage, Strings & Combinatorics
Siddharth Jain, F. Farnoud, M. Schwartz , Jehoshua Bruck
Coding for Optimized Writing Rate in DNA Storage [Link]
accepted in IEEE ISIT 2020.
Siddharth Jain, F. Farnoud,
Jehoshua Bruck
Capacity and Expressiveness of Genomic Tandem Duplication [pdf] IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 63, no. 10, pp. 6129-6138, October 2017. shorter version in Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 1946-1950, Hong Kong.
Noga Alon, Jehoshua Bruck, F. Farnoud, Siddharth Jain
Duplication Distance to the Root for Binary Sequences[pdf] IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 63, no. 12, pp. 7793-7803, December 2017.
Noga Alon, Jehoshua Bruck, F. Farnoud, Siddharth Jain On the Duplication Distance of Binary Strings[pdf] in Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 260-264 , Barcelona, Spain.
Siddharth Jain, F. Farnoud, M. Schwartz, Jehoshua Bruck Noise and Uncertainty in String-Duplication Systems[pdf] in Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 3120-3124, Aachen, Germany.
Siddharth Jain, F. Farnoud, M. Schwartz, Jehoshua Bruck Duplication-Correcting Codes for Data Storage in the DNA of a Living Organism[pdf] IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 63, no. 8, pp. 4996-5010, August 2017. shorter version in Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), pp. 1028-1032, Barcelona, Spain.
Match Lengths, Zero Entropy and Large Deviations Siddharth Jain, R. K. Bansal On Match Lengths, Zero Entropy and Large Deviations - with Application to Sliding Window Lempel-Ziv Algorithm[Link][pdf] IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 120-132, January 2015. Siddharth Jain, R. K. Bansal
On Large Deviation Property of Recurrence Times[Link]
[pdf] Proceedings of IEEE Intenational Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2013, pp. 2880-2884, Istanbul, Turkey.
Siddharth Jain, R. K. Bansal
On Match Lengths and Asymptotic Behavior of Sliding Window Lempel-Ziv Algorithm for Zero Entropy Sequences[Link][pdf] Proceedings of IEEE International Syposium
on Information Theory (ISIT) 2013, pp. 2885-2889, Istanbul, Turkey.
Fractional Calculus based approaches in Control
Paul Bogdan, Siddharth Jain, Kartikeya Goyal, Radu Marculescu
Implantable Pacemakers Control and Optimization via Fractional Calculus Approach: A Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Perspective[Link] [pdf]
International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems (ICCPS), pp. 23-32, CPS Week 2012, Beijing, China.
Paul Bogdan, Siddharth Jain, Radu Marculescu
Pacemaker Control of Heart Rate Variability: A CPS Perspective[Link][pdf]
ACM Transactions on Embedded and Computing Systems (TECS), vol. 12, no. 1s, Article 50, March 2013.
Paul Bogdan, Radu Marculescu, Siddharth Jain
Dynamic Power Management for Multi-domain Processor Systems-on-Chip Platforms: An Optimal Control Approach[Link][pdf]
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), vol. 18, no. 4, Article 46, October 2013.
Paul Bogdan, Radu Marculescu, Siddharth Jain and Rafael Tornero Gavila,
An Optimal Control Approach to Power Management for Multi-Voltage and Frequency Islands Multi Processor platforms under highly variable workloads[Best Paper Award][Link] [pdf]
International Syposium on Networks-On-Chip (NOCS) 2012, pp. 35-42, Lyngby, Denmark.